BioLean™ Only $39/Bottle - Limited Time Offer


BioLean Supplement

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BioLean™ is a Herbal Weight Loss Formula Specially Created to Address and Resolve the Root Cause of Obesity, Obesogens.

  • 100% All Natural
  • Non-GMO Ingredients
  • GMP Certified
  • Free Shipping & Handling
  • 60-Days Money Back Guaranteed

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Why Choose BioLean™?

Made In The USA

BioLean pills is manufactured on US soil.

100% All Natural

All ingredients are pure, natural, and carefully sourced.

FDA Approved Facility

BioLean capsule is manufactured according to the latest standards.

Quality Tested

Each batch is tested to ensure that the label corresponds with what’s inside the bottle.

What is BioLean?

BioLean is a weight loss supplement available exclusively through

Each BioLean capsule contains a blend of non-GMO plant-based ingredients, each carefully selected to promote weight loss in different ways.

The main goal of BioLean is to use natural ingredients to eliminate obesity-causing molecules called obesogens. The makers of BioLean discovered a “weird water trick” that drains away belly fat using green tea, resveratrol, and other active ingredients.

BioLean was developed by two doctors, Dr. Vincent Lee from Malaysia and Dr. Hiroshi Nakamura from Japan. The two doctors collaborated with a 48-year-old American firefighter, James Brighton, to release the supplement in the United States.



How Does BioLean Formula Work In Your Body?

BioLean works by eliminating obesogens, the obesity-causing chemicals deposited in the body. The main source of obesogens is the food we eat, especially processed foods. Sugary foods and foods come in cans and plastic containers, and sometimes even natural food sources like chickpeas and soy contain obesogens.

One of the ways to get rid of these chemicals is to maintain a balanced diet full of organic foods along with a good workout routine. However, the threat partially exists.

This is where the BioLean 8-second water hack supplement works. The ingredients in this natural weight loss supplement are anti-obesogenic and powerful enough to eliminate the problem completely and at its root. Some of these ingredients are Citrus aurantium, P-synephrine, banaba leaves, corosolic acid, EGCG, berberine, apple cider vinegar and cinnamon.

Among these BioLean ingredients are those that neutralize chemicals that cause obesity, those that reduce adipogenesis and activate thermogenesis, even those that promote adipose browning, the generation of brown fat cells, and the rest takes care of the body's metabolism.

They are also able to regulate appetite so you eat in reduced quantities, improve the insulin response which will regulate blood glucose levels, reduce inflammation and, above all, balance the intestinal microbiota. We can talk about these benefits in detail in the next section.



How Does Bio Lean Work For Weight Loss?

Obesogens, toxic compounds found in everyday objects, from processed foods to cosmetics, compromise our health by promoting fat accumulation and metabolic slowdown. These toxins have been increasingly present over the past 50 years, leading to an increase in obesity and related diseases. BioLean aims to combat this problem with its natural plant-based formula, offering a solution to those who struggle with weight loss due to these pervasive chemicals. For further insights into how BioLean works against obesogens, exploring their official website would be helpful.

BioLean stands out with a unique blend of eight exotic plant ingredients, designed to naturally eliminate obesogens and effectively reduce toxic fat accumulation throughout the body. This innovative approach not only increases energy levels, but also supports the repair and rejuvenation of cells affected by long-term weight problems. Billed as significantly more effective than conventional supplements, diets or exercises, BioLean simplifies the fat loss process, simultaneously promoting heart, brain and joint health and improving overall well-being.



Who Created BioLean?

BioLean was created by Dr. Vincent Lee and Dr. Hiroshi Nakamura. The two doctors teamed up with a 48-year-old firefighter named James Brighton. James lives in Hillsborough, North Carolina with his wife and two children.

James' wife Samantha gained weight after giving birth to his two children. She found it easy to stay slim in her twenties. In her 30s, however, Samantha discovered that her old diet and exercise routine wasn't working.

Samantha's weight gain has become a crisis. She was 60 pounds overweight. One night, at the dinner table with her family, she collapsed and was rushed to hospital. Samantha needed to make a change.

James began researching natural ways to lose weight without diet or exercise. His search led him to a remote mountain village, where he discovered an 8-second water ritual linked to rapid weight loss.

Long story short, James brought the ritual back to the United States, added the water ritual ingredients into a convenient capsule, and shared it with his wife and others. They quickly lost weight, convincing James that they had created a weight loss miracle.

Today, anyone can purchase BioLean online through James has partnered with a US-based manufacturing facility to produce the supplement in an FDA registered and GMP compliant facility.

Who is Dr. Vincent Lee?
James Brighton has no medical or scientific expertise. However, he collaborated with Dr. Vincent Lee to develop BioLean.

Dr. Lee has been a researcher and consultant for large pharmaceutical companies, including companies specializing in weight loss drugs.

While working for these companies, Dr. Lee realized that a cure for weight loss already existed. However, pharmaceutical companies were deliberately suppressing this cure. It was then that Dr. Lee decided to stop and share his secret with the world. Unfortunately, his former employers issued numerous cease and desist letters before Dr. Lee could reveal the secret.

James Brighton, creator of BioLean, saw a news story about Dr. Lee and knew he needed to contact him. Dr Lee's secret weight loss cure could help James' wife Samantha lose weight without diet or exercise.

Dr. Vincent Lee teams up with James to reveal a secret weight loss cure
James met with Dr. Lee to find out his secret cure for weight loss.

Dr. Lee told James about his childhood growing up on the slopes of Mount Kinabalu in Malaysia.

James begged Dr. Lee to reveal his secret weight loss cure. Here's how Dr. Lee explained the treatment to James:

“The solution to obesity and weight-related issues was discovered years ago…the problem is that here in America it is being fraudulently hidden from the public.”

Big pharmaceutical companies make too much money selling weight loss drugs. They want to keep people overweight, so they continue to make money. That's why they continue to peddle people with useless weight loss drugs and supplements.

Despite receiving numerous cease and desist orders from his previous employers, Dr. Lee shared his weight loss secret with James, helping him and his wife lose weight quickly.

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BioLean Ingredients And Their Role In Weight Loss 

BioLean capsules are a mix of eight ingredients of natural origin that fight obesity, all combined in the perfect proportions to achieve the right results.

  • Bitter orange
  • The fruit is great for eliminating obesogens from the body. It has been found to burn fat when combined with a good diet and workout routine. Bitter orange also curbs appetite and controls appetite to promote healthy eating habits that help in healthy weight loss.

  • Banaba leaf
  • In addition to eliminating obesogens, it shrinks fat cells and releases stored fat to create more energy. These leaves are also able to maintain healthy blood sugar levels by improving the body's insulin response.

  • Korean ginseng
  • Rich in antioxidants, Korean Ginseng repairs free radical damage done to the body. Eliminates chemicals that cause obesity and stimulates metabolism.

  • Cayenne fruit
  • This BioLean ingredient plays a significant role in maintaining the health of the digestive system. It also burns clogged fat, reduces headaches and eliminates obesogens.

  • Resveratrol
  • Resveratrol is a very powerful fruit extract that treats conditions ranging from hypertension to cardiovascular disease. The compound eliminates obesogens and relieves stress to promote mental health.
  • Green tea leaf, cinnamon bark, and ginger root are the rest of the eight key ingredients used in the formulation of the BioLean supplement. They are all anti-obesogenic and help in weight loss through several methods such as improved metabolism, healthy liver function, and better digestion.


BioLean Money Back Guarantee


BioLean is backed by a 100% money back guarantee for a full 60 days from the original purchase.

If you are not totally and completely satisfied with BioLean, your results or your experience within the first 60 days of purchase, please let us know by contacting our award-winning US-based customer service team and we will refund you within 48 hours of the returned product.

That's right, simply return the product, even the empty bottles, any time within 60 days of purchase and you'll receive a refund, no questions asked!

Get your BioLean pills pouch and see for yourself.

What Are The Benefits Of BioLean Pills?

It has already been said that the weight management formula is capable of contributing to a wide range of health problems. Let's see some of the advantages of BioLean one by one.

  • Manages weight gain
  • In addition to eliminating obesogens and boosting your metabolism, the Water Hack formula helps you manage a healthy weight in several ways. It aims to promote weight loss by activating thermogenesis and adipose browning, improving lipid metabolism and reducing the generation of white adipose cells.

  • Improves gut health
  • Obesogens destroy gut health by disrupting the balance of the gut microbiome. The supplement restores and maintains balance by promoting the growth of good bacteria in the gut while reducing the number of harmful bacteria.

  • Regulates blood sugar
  • High blood sugar is one of the problems that accompany the main problem of obesity. BioLean ingredients address this problem by reducing insulin resistance, improving the body's insulin response, and promoting better insulin production.

  • Reduces inflammation
  • When the gut microbiota gets out of balance, inflammation occurs, causing problems like indigestion and the like. When the formula restores balance to the microbiome, it calms inflammation and resolves digestive issues.

Bonuses Included With BioLean

The manufacturers offer various bonuses with the 3 and 6-bottle bundles of purchase. Let's go through each of the BioLean bonuses and try to understand how they can help users achieve healthy weight loss.

Free Bonus eBook #1: Home Detox: Home Detox is an eBook featuring natural strategies for detoxing at home. You can discover how to naturally cleanse, repair, and flush out dangerous toxins from your organs. When your body is clean, it’s easier to absorb the active ingredients in BioLean. You don’t need any exotic ingredients or experience to create DIY cleanses at home; instead, the eBook is filled with tips like:

How to use common household spices to reduce inflammation

How ordinary ingredients in your pantry can restore glowing skin

How to improve memory, detoxify your colon, and promote other benefits by sprinkling simple “backyard herbs” over food once a day

Free Bonus eBook #2: Mind Reset: Mind Reset is an eBook filled with easy brain “hacks” to boost clarity, focus, and emotional balance. Your mind and body are bombarded every day. If you don’t have coping mechanisms, then it’s easy to become overloaded. In this book, you’ll discover things like:

8-second technique to instantly relieve stress and calm nerves
How to identify and eliminate harmful self-believes
The easy “one-two” method to boost natural self-esteem and confidence – especially in social situations
Other easy brain hacks to boost clarity, focus, and emotional wellbeing

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BioLean Supplement 60-Day Money Back Guarantee

Refund Policy:

BioLean comes with a 60-day money-back guarantee. If you’re unhappy with it, you can request a refund within 60 days.

Final Thoughts About BioLean

BioLean offers a natural, plant-based approach to weight loss by targeting obesogens and facilitating fat breakdown. With a one capsule per day regimen, it provides an easy-to-follow solution for those looking to manage their weight effectively. Along with its health-enhancing bonuses for long-term purchases, BioLean aims to not only aid weight loss but also improve overall well-being, making it a complete supplement choice for people aiming to improve their health and achieve your weight goals.

The official website also mentions results from real users who have used Bio Lean.

Like Sandra from Toronto who is enthusiastic about her 23 kilo weight loss thanks to BioLean, highlighting its ease and practicality of use.

Jason in South Carolina, after years of unsuccessful attempts, lost 31 kilos, rediscovering the pleasure of living.

Lucille in California, initially skeptical, lost 56 pounds, maintaining her weight loss for six months. These testimonials can highlight the effectiveness of BioLean in weight management and its impact on users' overall well-being and lifestyle satisfaction.

As with any weight loss supplement, it is recommended to eat a clean diet and create lasting habits of daily exercise and movement for consistent results.

Frequently Asked Questions

Do you have deep, stubborn fat deposits that no amount of diet or exercise seems to remove? Then the answer is yes, BioLean is for you. BioLean has changed the lives of thousands of women and men aged 18 to 80 and is designed to quickly melt fat even in the worst cases.

BioLean is a proprietary natural formula manufactured in the USA at our FDA registered and GMP certified facility using state-of-the-art, precision machinery and to the strictest, most sterile standards.

Each ingredient is 100% plant-based, soy-free, dairy-free, non-GMO, and subjected to additional third-party inspections and quality checks to ensure high purity and potency. As always, we recommend showing a bottle to your doctor before taking it, just to be on the safe side.

The order after placing will get processed within 1 or 2 days. You will get your order within the standard shipping time if you are within the US. But if you're an international customer, it may take 4 to 6 weeks, depending on the distance.

To get in contact with the manufacturers kindly use the contact information provided on its official website.

Yes. The BioLean official website does support multiple payment options like VISA, Discover, VISA, etc.

If your order didn't arrive in the expected time frame, kindly contact the delivery agent first. If you don't get a satisfactory answer from them, get in touch with the manufacturers.

BioLean Safe & Naturally

Safe & Naturally Occurring

Every capsule is made here, in the USA, in our FDA approved and GMP certified facility, under sterile, strict and precise standards. BioLean capsules are non-GMO and safe. You can rest assured that they do not contain any dangerous stimulants or toxins, and more importantly, they are not habit forming.

© Copyright 2025 BioLean. All Rights Reserved.


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